All living things are made up of at least one cell.
We need at least one cell to live.
All cells come from other cells.
Types of Cells细胞种类
Comparison Prokaryote&Eukaryote
No nucleus
Has a nucleus
Made of one cell
Made of one or more cells
Small in size
Large in size
Includes bacteria
Includes animal and plant cells
A cell that does not contain a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles.
A cell that contains a nucleus and other organelles, each surrounded by a thin membrane.
Comparison Animal Cell&Plant Cell
Plant cell have a cell wall
Plant cell have chloroplasts
Plant cell have large vacuoles
Animal Cell
Cell Membrane细胞膜
Made of two layers
Supports the cell
Controls what comes into and out of a cell
It's “Semi-permeable membrane”: only lets some substances pass
Controls the cell
It holds the chromosomes染色体 that have the information to control all the activities
Makes ribosomes, maybe more than one in a cell, found in the nucleus
Determines what traits a living thing will have, passes information from parent to offspring.
Depending on the stage of the Cell Cycle, chromosomes will have different appearances, and have different names.
Jelly-like material that fills the cell (mostly water and other chemicals)
All organelles are held in the cytoplasm
The "power plants" of the cell
Cells contain many mitochondria
They change food into energy (cellular respiration)
The more active the cell is (muscle cells), the more mitochondria it has (compared to fat cells)
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)内质网
A folded membrane that moves materials (such as proteins) throughout the cell
It extends from the nuclear membrane throughout the cytoplasm to the cell membrane
Golgi Bodies高尔基体
Collect and processes material to be removed from the cell
They also make and secrete mucus粘液
The more mucus the cell secretes (intestine肠道 cells), the More Golgi bodies it has
A very small bubble filled with liquid
Surrounded by a single membrane
Functions include: Storing food and water, removing waste, and maintaining pressure inside the cell
Organelles that build “proteins” that are important for cell growth and reproduction
Often connected to the endoplasmic reticulum
A cell may have as many as 500,000
Only in animal cells
Used in cell reproduction to help the chromosomes arrange before cell division
Digests food particles with enzymes
Pinched of pieces of Golgi apparatus
rod-like, hollow protein tubes that act like tracts along with organelles, like vesicles and mitochondria
can move
part of the cytoskeleton
Plant Cell
Cell Wall细胞壁
Made of a rigid/strong and porous (has holes) material called cellulose细胞膜质
It provides support for the plant cells and protection from physical injury
Only plant cells have cell wall
Immediately inside the cell wall is the cell membrane
Plants usually have one large vacuole
Vacuole functions are the same as in an animal cell
Only in plant cells
Contain chlorophyll that helps plants get energy from the sun and change that into food
Gives leaves their green color
Cell Division细胞分裂
Cell division maintains a surface area to volume ratio of the cell that enables effective exchange across the plasma membrane. Volume of a cell increases faster than the surface area of the plasma membrane
Maintains a manageable volume to maintain
nuclear control (control of all cell activities)
Healing & Tissue Repair
Growth & Development
Have no nucleus
Have a single circular chromosome
Simply divide their cells in two by binary fission
Cell Cycle细胞生命周期
Mitotic division results in genetically identical eukaryotic cells (a clone)
Mitosis is the basis of asexual reproduction
Cell grows & prepares itself for mitosis by building proteins
Duplicates genetic material called chromatin染色质, now double stranded
Centrioles中心粒 are also replicated, more organelles form
The chromatin染色质 condenses into discrete chromosomes染色体
Chromosomes shorten & thicken, now visible in light microscope
Nuclear membrane & nucleolus breakdown, freeing the chromosomes
centrioles move away from each other & form spindle fibers
Nuclear membrane has disappeared
Centrioles have reached opposite poles
Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell or equator赤道板
Chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibers by their centromeres着丝粒
Spindle fibers纺锤纤维 shorten to pull and separate duplicated chromosomes to opposite poles of the daughter cells
Chromosomes are now referred to as daughter chromosomes
Daughter chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell
Daughter chromosomes have reached opposite poles & begin to uncoil
Nuclear membrane & nucleolus reform
Spindle fibers disappear
Daughter cells are genetically
Cytokinesis胞质分裂 begin
Meiosis results in a halving of the chromosome number in preparation for fertilization
Meiosis shuffles genes in new combinations
Meiosis results in genetically different cells
Meiosis and fertilization are the basis of sexual reproduction
Difference from Cancer Cells to Normal Cells
Spend less time in interphase
Have uncontrolled mitosis
Grow faster than normal cells
Can break away from groups of cells and travel to other places in the body
Most of them have parts that allow them to grip and grab onto other cells and tissues
Types of Tumor
Benign tumor良性肿瘤
Does not interfere the functioning of surrounding cells
Malignant tumor恶性肿瘤
Interferes with the functioning of surrounding cells
Types of Cancer
Develop in the linings of the body (e.g. Skin, stomach lining, lungs, breast, liver and pancreas)
Most common forms of cancer
Develop in the lymph nodes, bone marrow, or spleen
Can easily spread to other parts of the body through the lymph and bloodstream
develop in the bones or connective tissues
can spread through the bloodstream
Causes of Cancer
caused by inherited gene
caused by agents in the environment
caused by random change in the genetic code
caused by high ionizing radiation
Stages of Cancer
Stage 0
Carcinoma in situ原位癌
Stage 1-3
Larger tumor size
May spread to nearby organs
Stage 4
Has spread to distant tissues or organs (Metastasis转移)
Cancer Screening癌症检查
Doctors need to know the tumor is cancerous or not, Benign or not
In biopsy, doctors removes a sample of the cells from the tumor to analyze
Pap test宫颈癌涂片检查
Take a sample of cervical cells
Determine by see if cells are growing abnormally
PSA test前列腺特异性抗原测试
Take a sample of blood
Determine by the existence of prostate specific antigen
Prescribed for men >50 years
A type of x-ray
Used to screen for signs of breast cancer
Endoscopic examination of the large intestine
Use an endoscope or colonoscope
Reducing Risk
Change in diet
Avoid smoking tobacco
Cancer Treatment
Each cancer is different, so treatments may vary from person to person
Physically removing the cancerous tissue
Use if tumor is easily accessible
Using drugs to treat the cancer
Works by slowing or stopping cell division
Often used to shrink the tumor before surgery or radiation
Side effects may include nausea, hair loss or fatigue疲劳
Use Ionizing radiation
By damaging the DNA of cancer cells so they can't divide
Stem Cells干细胞
Stem cells are undifferentiated cell that can become a specialized cell
Types of Stem Cells
Totipotent Cells全能细胞
From the fusion of egg卵子 and sperm精子 (fertilized egg受精卵)
Can be used to produce an entire organism
May be called master cells
Pluripotent Cells多能细胞
Derived from totipotent cells
Are the true stem cells usually obtained from embryonic stem lines (?????)
Embryonic Stem Cells胚胎干细胞
Can differentiate into any kind of cell
Advantages & Disadvantages
Very versatile-pluripotent多功能
Ethical issues道德问题
Can easily be grown in the laboratory
May produce cancerous cells
Can be cultured indefinitely
Unstable - most cells fail to develop
Tissue Stem Cells组织干细胞
From skin and bone marrow
Can differentiate into specialized cells
Adult Stem Cells成体干细胞
May be obtained from tissues such as umbilical cord blood
Have been used for years to treat leukemia白血病
Advantages & Disadvantages
No ethical issues
Limited versatility通用性
Less likely to develop cancerous cells
Cannot be easily grown in the laboratory
Current limitations in stem cell replacement therapy干细胞替代疗法
Cell Organization
A collection of similar cells
Performs a particular, but limited function
a structure composed of different tissues working together
Performs a complex body function
Organ System
a system of one or more organs and structures that work together
Perform a major vital body function (such as digestion
or reproduction)
Animal Tissues
Epithelial Tissue上皮组织
a thin sheet of tightly packed cells
covers body surface, internal organs and body cavities
Lines内衬 internal organs and body cavities
Connective Tissue结缔组织
Provides support and protection for various parts of the body
Includes tendons, ligaments, bones, cartilage, blood, and fat
Muscle Tissue肌肉组织
A group of specialized tissues
Containing proteins that can contract and enable the body to move
Skeletal Muscles骨骼肌
Help you to move
Smooth Muscles平滑肌
Help your organs to move
Cardiac Muscles心肌
Help your heart to move
Nerve Tissue神经组织
Conducts electrical signals from one part of the body to another
Plant Tissues
Vascular Tissue导管组织
Transports water and nutrients
Moves water and minerals up from the roots
Moves the photosynthesized sugar around
Epidermal Tissue表皮组织 (=Dermal Tissue)
Forms the protective outer covering
allows the exchange of materials in and out of the plant
Ground Tissue基本组织
Provides support
Stores water and nutrients
Photosynthesis happens in it
Meristematic Tissue分生组织
Is where growth occurs
The cells in meristematic tissue are stem cells
Digestive System消化系统
Takes in food (ingestion)
Digests food (digestion)
Removes the remaining waste (egestion)
Part 1: Digestive Tract消化道 (=Alimentary Canal)
Lined Materials内衬材料
Epithelial Cells上皮细胞
Secrete mucus (thick liquid) from goblet cells
Mucus protects from digestive enzymes and acid
Lubricates or makes the tract easy to move through
Muscle Tissue肌肉组织
Nerves Tissue神经组织
Used to mechanically break down food by chewing with saliva唾液
Saliva contains enzymes that break down the starches
A muscular tube connecting mouth to stomach
The movement of food is controlled by nerves and muscles
The process of moving food through the esophagus into the stomach with the help of muscles
Holds food
Churns food
Lined with cells that produce digestive enzymes and acids
Muscles contract to mix food
Many nerves
Small Intestine小肠
6m long
Most digestion occurs here
Small, fine blood vessels
Smooth muscle
Nutrients diffuse through wall to blood vessels
Occurs through the villi
Absorption occurs through the villi and microvilli
Large Intestine大肠
1.5m long
Larger diameter
Primarily for water absorption
Waste material passed on to rectum
Storage of feces and water adsorption
Waste excreted through anus
Part 2: Accessory organs辅助器官
Produces bile for the small intestine
Bile helps to break down fats
Produces insulin to regulate amount of glucose in blood
Gall Bladder胆囊
Stores bile between meals
Bile is released in to the small intestine through in bile duct
Circulatory System循环系统
Carry nutrients to cell from intestine
Carry CO2 and waste away from cell to the lungs and kidneys respectively
Get O2 from the lungs for the body
Carry chemical messages between parts of the body
Move white blood cells that fight viruses or bacteria
Regulate body temperature
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissue only found in heart
All tissue contracts at the same time
Results in the pumping of blood
Nerve Tissue
Controls how often the heart beats
Connective Tissue
Protects the heart
Connective tissue that circulates through the body
Red Blood Cells (=erythrocytes)
Make up almost 50% of all blood by volume
Contains several hundred thousand hemoglobin (a kind of protein)
Hemoglobin Transports O2 throughout the body
Hemoglobin gives blood its bright red color
Produced in bone marrow
No nucleus
White Blood Cells (=leukocytes)
Make up less than 1% of blood volume
Fight infection, destroy invading bacteria and viruses
Have nucleus
Make up less than 1% of blood volume
Small cells that help in blood clotting
Makes up 50% of the blood by volume
Protein-rich fluid that carries blood cells
Blood vessels
Carry blood away from the heart
Thicker walls to withstand pressure
Pressure is due to heart pumping blood into them
Carry blood to heart
Low pressure
Thinner walls than arteries
Have valves to prevent the blood from flowing backwards
Connect arteries to veins
Thin walls
Allow O2 and nutrients to diffuse to body tissue
Allow CO2 and other wastes diffuse from tissue into blood
Coronary Artery Disease
Plaque斑块: fat, cholesterol and calcium deposits in the vessels that supply the heart with blood
Leads to a heart attack
Can be passed down from family or caused by bad lifestyle choices
Symptoms: tired, dizzy, pain in chest/arms
Diagnosed诊断 with angiogram血管造影
Heart Attack
Coronary arteries冠状动脉 completely blocked
Heart receives no O2 – stops pumping and starts to die
Symptoms: Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Nausea, Anxiety, .....
Respiratory System呼吸系统
Provide O2
Remove CO2
Work together with the circulatory system
Dirt in the air and other particles are trapped by tiny hairs and sticky fluid
Held open by rings of cartilage软骨
Cartilage is a special type of connective tissue that is strong and flexible (can bend)
Epithelial cells inside the trachea produce mucus粘液
Many epithelial cells have cilia绒毛
Help move mucus and remove any left over bad material
Two in all
Separates from trachea
Separates from bronchi
Allows the air to move to all parts of the lungs
Occurs gas exchange
Surrounded by capillaries
The wall of it is one cell thick
Gas Exchange
Main purpose of the respiratory system
Happens in alveoli肺泡
The amount of O2 in the capillary blood is always less than the amount of O2 from the air. So, the O2 always diffuses into the blood
The amount of CO2 in the capillary blood is always more than the amount of CO2 from the air. So, the CO2 always diffuses into the air